Our Service Charter

No hidden charges. You only pay for the total number of payslips per pay frequency. Compare our professional service and no nonsense straight forward pricing policy and you will find we offer a very competitively priced service.

Our Service

As an established payroll provider, we offer a highly efficient and cost effective service to small and medium size businesses; our fully experienced team are trained to deal with all aspects of company payroll and workplace pension.
We offer a full telephone support service during our office hours of 9.30 am – 5.00 pm Monday to Friday, operated by staff highly experienced in all matters relating to payroll. We have an answer phone service for when the office is closed, and all messages are dealt with immediately at the beginning of the next day of business.

We are electronic enabled with the government gateway to submit annual returns on line, thus ensuring our clients receive all tax incentives currently offered by HMRC.

Our service encompasses all of your responsibilities as an employer, from processing and sending you the appropriate frequency payslips, issuing leaving P45’s with the employee’s final payslip, calculating and summarizing your Tax & N.I. contributions. End of year returns are filed on line and a form P60 is completed for each of your employees at Tax year-end.

Full payroll for all employees / directors / owners / sole traders is sent to the mobile telephone of the designated person and individual electronic payslips to the telephone of each person on payroll.
Monthly Payroll & 4 Weekly instructions must reach Crown Payroll Ltd by the latest the 10th of each month by 5pm, if the deadline day falls on a weekend or bank holiday, instructions must be sent by the last working day before the deadline.
Weekly & 2 Weekly payroll instructions must be sent a calendar month at a time by the latest the 1st of the month.
MIXTURE OF PAY DAYS If you have staff on different pay frequencies, all payroll instructions must be sent a calendar month at a time by the latest the 1st of the month.
All payroll is processed per payroll frequency and reported on-line by Full Payment Summary (FPS) on your behalf to HMRC.
Weekly, 2 Weekly and 4 Weekly payroll is processed and HMRC FPS submissions made on the Friday of the payroll schedule.
We send you a Full Tax & NIC due notice each month inclusive of our tax month relative payment guide.
Any amendments to an individual payslip which has been processed will be invoiced the next month at the cost of the original payslip.

From £5.49 per month

Service Summary

FREE registration with the HMRC as an employer.
Registration with the government gateway for you to benefit from any financial incentive offered by the HMRC.

Complete payroll service from start to finish including all taxes, additions and deductions and all payment formats.

Full advice on all aspects of pay, such as Statutory Sick Pay, Statutory Maternity Pay, Student Loan deductions, Attachment Earnings Order and Workplace Pension contribution reports etc.

Full telephone support to our clients with unlimited employer advice.

Tax and National Insurance summaries and full payment advice service.

Full compliance with all the documentation and updated payroll information from the HMRC.
We guarantee confidentiality and we store your records for 3 years in compliance with Revenue requirements.

Registering With Our Service

Complete your company information form and the employee payroll information forms. For each of your employees, remembering to include yourself and any other persons who appear on your payroll.

As soon as we receive your instructions, we will contact you with an update of your file if required and inform you of any necessary paperwork that needs to be submitted to the HMRC and start your payroll/workplace pension scheme.

Paying Your Employees

We electronically send to you completed payslips showing the net wage payable after all deductions. Or you may wish to instruct us ( via the company form ) to pay your employees electronically directly into their bank account plus paying HMRC Tax & Nic due on behalf of your company.

Paying Your Taxes

Once we have registered you as a small employer (if required) using the PAYE scheme, your employer Tax and National Insurance Contributions are due each 6th of the month with payments by the 22nd of the month at the latest. We will advise you of your obligations and payment and will send you a Tax and National Insurance notice detailing the Tax & NIC due each month.

Contracts Of Employment

As an employer you are required to provide your staff with a contract of employment, with addendums for alterations such as wage rises, promotions, and holiday entitlements etc. and the contract must adhere to current employment regulations.

If you require free employee employment templates, please inform us via the company form.
Please note by law you must provide an employee with an employment contract within 2 months of employment start.
Crown Payroll Limited offer you a FREE contract template but accept no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the content you include in the contract between you or your company and / or the employee.

Crown Payroll Ltd

Frequently Asked Questions

What if my employees do not have a P45?

No need to worry, we obtain previous pay and tax code from HMRC, if at any point your employee gives you a P45 please e-mail onto us to implement into your PAYE and the employee employment record.

What if I receive correspondence from the HMRC?

E-mail or telephone our help desk and we will deal with any payroll or workplace pension queries or administration on your behalf.

What if any of my employees wish to contact you?

You, your representatives, or an employees can e-mail or telephone our help desk and we will deal with any payroll or workplace pension queries or administration on your behalf.

Why do I have to register as an employer and set up a PAYE scheme for my employees?

As the employer it is your responsibility to pay Tax & NIC to HMRC due from your employee gross salary deductions and since 2017 all qualifying employees must also be automatically enrolled into your workplace pension.
To attract the very best staff into your business, most employees will require a workplace pension, want to know that their tax position is being correctly administered and most importantly have a record of payslips, plus end of tax year earnings P60 documentation, to empower them when making major life decisions such as property rental or purchase and large purchases which may require credit where an official earnings history is essential.
From your point of view as the employer, using our ultra-competitive payroll and workplace pension service ensures you are operating your business staff on a legal basis, which also protects you from accusations of cash in hand payments which are illegal and carry large HMRC and The Pension Regulator penalties. Protects you from employer tribunals which are extremely time consuming as you will be in a position of fully registered with HMRC as an employer, all Tax NIC workplace contributions upto date with date relevant employer / employee contracts.

Late Registrations

We will start processing payroll & workplace pension for you immediately, backdating payslips where necessary. If required we register you with the HMRC and send you a comprehensive report of payroll & workplace pensions from start date to present day and calculate your total employer Tax and National Insurance contributions.
We will continue to liaise on your behalf with the tax authorities regarding any late payments that may be due until all up to date and agreed by HMRC

Statutory Sick Pay

If an employee becomes ill, they may be entitled to statutory sick pay, which we calculate and process free of charge on your behalf. This is all part of our standard inclusive service to clients. We request that your company completes our SSP form as SSP must be recorded on your HMRC PAYE scheme and we also sent you our guide explaining how and why the SSP form needs to be completed.

Maternity Pay

As part of our service, we arrange to send the MAT B1 form from your employee to HMRC and calculate and claim on your behalf the Statutory Maternity Pay ( SMP ) due to your employee and process your SMP all free of charge as part of our standard inclusive service to clients whilst continuing to send you their payslip showing the maternity pay totals.

Late Registrations

We will start payroll for you immediately, backdating wage slips where necessary. We will register you with the Inland Revenue and calculate your total employer Tax and National Insurance contributions.

We will continue to liaise on your behalf with the tax authorities regarding any late payments that may be due.

Statutory Sick Pay

If an employee becomes ill, they may be entitled to statutory sick pay, which we calculate on your behalf.
This is a part of our standard inclusive service to clients.

Maternity Pay

As part of our service we arrange to send the MAT B1 form from your employee to the Inland Revenue and calculate and claim on your behalf the maternity pay due to your employee, whilst continuing to send you their wage slip showing the maternity pay totals.

Other Configurations

We calculate on your behalf all free of charge as part of our standard inclusive service to clients all the other configurations which may arise during your employment of staff, such as Holiday Pay, Overtime, Bonus payments, Court directed earnings deductions, Child Support Agency Payments, Childcare Voucher schemes, Student Loans, pensions & Universal Credit etc.

If you have Car plans we will contact you for details

Authorising Crown Payroll Ltd as Your Agent

When registering to our payroll service, we request an agent authorisation code from HMRC “Authorising us as your agent to use PAYE online for Employers” thus ensuring you receive any current employer tax incentives. HMRC post the agent authorisation code to you and we ask that you forward by e-mail to us which enables us to liaise with HMRC on your behalf.

Employee Earnings Summary

With each Tax and NIC notice we send you an employee earnings summary report, setting out the gross and net payments made to your employees, including full taxes, additions, deductions and all payment formats. Plus our payment guide relevant to the current tax payment period.

Employee Alterations To Payroll

We e-mail you at the start of each month your employees payroll record. If you have not informed us of any alterations to your payroll run by the deadline date of the month at 5pm dependent on your payroll frequency, we will prepare the payslip as per your last instructions to us.

To make any alterations to your payroll run, please visit our website and click on the relevant payroll icon, complete compulsory fields and enter your instructions. Submit to us by the 5pm on the day prior to the process-payroll calculation date.

Dealing With HMRC

We deal with all aspects for you as an employer. During your registration to our payroll service, we deal with all paperwork requirements of HMRC, leaving you free to concentrate on running your business.


We invoice your business bank account for payroll & workplace pension services and e-mailing you a paid monthly invoice.